dVIEWR used to analyze Breast Cancer data in MSKCC and RWI study collaboration

In an article published in the April issue of Cancers, dVIEWR, our post-processing visualization software, was used to analyze breast cancer data acquired with our multi-dimensional diffusion (MDD) MRI protocol. 

The study, conducted in collaboration with Dr. Pinker-Domenig’s group at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York, establishes the potential of our MDD protocols for more specific breast cancer identification. It also suggests future exciting possibilities regarding their use to better distinguish between tumor types.

‘Multidimensional Diffusion Magnetic Resonance Imaging for Characterization of Tissue Microstructure in Breast Cancer Patients: A Prospective Pilot Study’ is an open access publication and can be found here.

Random Walk Imaging AB is developing a novel proprietary approach to diffusion MRI. RWI is commercializing dVIEWR powered by MICE Toolkit™ as a novel software solution for clinical researchers and radiologists to better visualize and analyze diffusion MRI data. The company’s software solutions introduce a level of specificity to diffusion MRI that is unprecedented and that has the potential to non-invasively differentiate pathologies affected by changes in tissue microstructure. Based in Lund, part of the Swedish-Danish cross-border region of Medicon Valley, RWI has a broad intellectual property portfolio and unique translational expertise in advanced diffusion NMR and MRI methods.