Random Walk Imaging (RWI) is pleased to announce that Mass General Brigham (MGB) has acquired the advanced patent portfolio on medical imaging developed and held by RWI for the past 15 years.

Have a look at the latest news from Random Walk Imaging and from those working with our diffusion MRI solutions around the world.
Press Release
Random Walk Imaging (RWI) is pleased to announce that Mass General Brigham (MGB) has acquired the advanced patent portfolio on medical imaging developed and held
Check us out at the ISMRM 2021 Exhibition!
May 15th marks the start of this year’s ISMRM & SMRT Annual Meeting & Exhibition. Below you will find a pdf with recommendations of scientific
dVIEWR used to analyze Breast Cancer data in MSKCC and RWI study collaboration
In an article published in the April issue of Cancers, dVIEWR, our post-processing visualization software, was used to analyze breast cancer data acquired with our
The MDD Forum is live!
We have launched the forum for all things multidimensional diffusion MRI over at mddMRI.com! This forum is freely available to everyone who wants to expand
A free 14-day trial of dVIEWR powered by MICE ToolkitTM
We are excited to start 2021 with offering a free 14-day trial of dVIEWR powered by MICE ToolkitTM. This trial version is preloaded with Multidimensional
A new book capturing the current surge of diffusion NMR methods, providing a primary source to aid adoption to the medical MRI community in this field.
Today the book ‘Advanced Diffusion Encoding Methods in MRI’, part of the book series “New Developments in NMR” from Royal Society of Chemistry, edited by

Press Release – RWI Launches dVIEWR MRI Image Analysis and Workflow Software Platform during ISMRM
Today we are thrilled to announce the launch of our first commercial software product for clinical researchers and radiologists. dVIEWR Powered by MICE Toolkit™

Excited for our first Virtual Booth at ISMRM2020
This year marks a lot of firsts. And now it is time for our first ever Virtual Booth, at the 2020 ISMRM/SMRT Annual Conference.

The Online European Congress of Radiology starts tomorrow!
Back in February we were excited to go to Vienna in March for ECR2020, but as we all know, the coronavirus epidemic resulted in

Press Release – Our diffusion MRI software protocol in MS study
Today we are proud to announce the publication Disentangling white-matter damage from physiological fiber orientation dispersion in multiple sclerosis in Brain Communications of data from a

Publications and a thesis!
Two new publications by our Research Partners, as well as a thesis defended and done by our former colleague Dr João Martins. Congrats! The

Current trends in diffusion NMR and MRI methods development
Check out our Academic Partner, Prof. Daniel Topgaards review in the September issue of Journal of Magnetic Resonance. In this review, Multiple dimensions for random